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Наталья Безер (Almaty) Cosmetologist

Offers and prices master Наталья Безер (8)

Face cosmetology (8)
Manual facial cleaning 15000 tng
Ultrasonic face cleaning 17000 tng
Chemical peels 15000 tng
Retinol Peeling Skin 25000 tng
Laser peel 25000 tng
Carbon peel 25000 tng
Biorevitalization 40000 tng
Plasma Facelift 40000 tng
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Наталья Безер

Full range of cosmetic procedures. Injection cosmetology, hardware.

Workplace options

At beauty salon «Alma Beauty»
Almaty, Bostandyksky dist, ​Розыбакиева, 289/1
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No fixed shedule

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Workplace options

Reception at salon

Almaty, Bostandyksky р-н, ​Розыбакиева, 289/1
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No fixed shedule
+7 (701) 799-...
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