
Елена Дубинина-Шалыгина (Gdańsk) Gestalttherapeut, psychologe, familientherapeut

Leistungen und Preise master Елена Дубинина-Шалыгина (4)

Beratung von 0 zl
Individuelle psychologische Beratung (1)
Individuelle psychologische Beratung
Online-Psychologenberatung (1)
Familientherapie (1)
Gruppentherapie (1)
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Елена Дубинина-Шалыгина

I am a practicing psychologist, certified Gestalt therapist, body-oriented therapist, I use art therapy methods, work with psychosomatics, and help with sexuality.

I work carefully, help you understand what reasons led you to the situation in which you found yourself; I help you find your own answers to your questions; I support your awareness and understanding of the processes taking place inside you.

I work respecting your desire or unwillingness for something, I observe the principle of confidentiality and the principle of equal relationships. I accept you without criticism, without condemnation.

Zulassungsoptionen (2)

Ich arbeite online
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Beim Meister zu Hause
Gdańsk, Ujeścisko-Łostowice region, Guderskiego, 28
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Елена Дубинина-Шалыгина Gestalttherapeut
bereits bei Barb 13 Monate
Erfahrung 6Jahr

Anrufe: 27
Letzter Besuch: 08.06.2024

Zulassungsoptionen (2)

Ich arbeite online

Empfang zu Hause

Gdańsk, Ujeścisko-Łostowice р-н, Guderskiego, 28
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+4 (857) 756-...
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