
Anna Szechlicka (Gdańsk) Ernährungsberater

Leistungen und Preise master Anna Szechlicka (2)

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Beratung durch einen Ernährungsberater
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Anna Szechlicka

If the saying “Eat less sweets, alcohol and fast food” worked, then there would be no nutritionists and everyone would be “in shape”. However, this idea does not solve the problems of people who struggle with excess body weight. Therefore, in my work, I write ideal diets/recommendations not for imaginary people, but for my patients, people of flesh and blood, taking into account their needs.

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Gdańsk, Piecki-Migowo region, Czesława Miłosza, 51b
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Gdańsk, Piecki-Migowo р-н, Czesława Miłosza, 51b
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