
Iwona Hildebrandt (Katowice) Psychologe, familientherapeut

Leistungen und Preise master Iwona Hildebrandt (4)

Individuelle psychologische Beratung (1)
Individuelle psychologische Beratung
Online-Psychologenberatung (1)
Familientherapie (1)
Gruppentherapie (1)
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Iwona Hildebrandt

By seeing a psychologist, your world will be put in order and you will begin to find yourself better in it. You should know that life is affected by various forces that work together to keep it harmonious and balanced. I also provide treatment for drug addiction.

Zulassungsoptionen (2)

Im Salon
Katowice, Ligota-Panewniki region, Panewnicka, 36
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Zulassungsoptionen (2)

Empfang im Salon

Katowice, Ligota-Panewniki р-н, Panewnicka, 36
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+4 (878) 885-...
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