
Наталья (Krakow) Kosmetikerin

Leistungen und Preise master Наталья (1)

Körperpflege (1)
Sofortige Bräunung 100 zl
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At one time, endlessly tired of burnt skin in the solarium, the appearance of new moles, dry skin, uneven application of self-tanning, I discovered instant spray tanning. I became seriously interested in this procedure. So much so that within a few months I went to St. Petersburg for individual training and to get my starter kit. At first, I combined my main job in the office with the business that I was passionate about. I taught all my friends and relatives how to tan safely.


Im Salon
Krakow, ulica Kartuska, 195A/8, 80-122
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Krakow, ulica Kartuska, 195A/8, 80-122
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+4 (850) 468-...
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