
Виктория Арыкова (Krakow) Fitnesstrainer, masseur

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Persönliches Fitnesstraining 350 zl
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Виктория Арыкова

I am Victoria and I am a certified fitness instructor and a certified master of physical education and health. She has been involved in biathlon professionally for 10 years. She has 8 years of experience in the field of physical education and fitness, hundreds of hours of fitness and sports training. I continue to actively develop and learn. I am currently in my second year of training to become a massage therapist with elements of physiotherapy. At the same time, I have been successfully working as a massage therapist for almost a year. In my work I use an individual, comprehensive approach to each client. I help get rid of pain by eliminating its cause. ‌My workouts are short, powerful, explosive and super effective. If you also love such workouts, welcome to our Healthy and Functional Body community!


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