
Elena Swiatek (Lodz) Masseur

Leistungen und Preise master Elena Swiatek (5)

Massage und SPA (5)
Klassische Körpermassage 150 zl
Antwort 150 zl / 90 min
Massotherapie von 100 zl
Bankmassage 150 zl
Viszerale Massage 100 zl / 60 min
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Elena Swiatek

After the first massage from one of my teachers, I felt that massage is health, care and self-love. When I first came to the Monsalada studio in Kyiv, I felt what a massage should be like for a woman. Without exaggeration, massage heals. Heals the body and heals the state of mind. Massage is the prevention of body problems on several levels at the same time. Massage is today's contribution to tomorrow's well-being.


Im Salon
Lodz, ulica Przybyszewskiego Stanisława 116/120
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Lodz, ulica Przybyszewskiego Stanisława 116/120
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+4 (850) 804-...
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