
Irina Popovich (Lodz) Wimpernmacher, maniküre, lehrer für schönheitsschule

Leistungen und Preise master Irina Popovich (12)

Handnagelpflege (1)
Augenbrauen- und Wimpernmodellierung (11)
Augenbrauen wachsen 35 zl
Augenbrauen mit einer Pinzette formen 35 zl
Wimpern färben 30 zl
Wimpernverlängerungen von 170 zl
2D-Wimpernverlängerung 170 zl
3D-Wimpernverlängerung 190 zl
Mega-Volumen-Wimpernverlängerung (4D, 5D) 210 zl
Hollywood-Wimpernverlängerung (6D, 8D) 220 zl
Korrektur der Wimpernverlängerung von 140 zl
Wimpernlaminierung 130 zl
Augenbrauenlaminierung 120 zl
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Irina Popovich

Hi my name is Irina. I have been working in the Beauty industry for several years now. I took my first basic course at the age of 17, but only at 19, when I moved with my husband to Poland, did I dive into it fully. At the age of 22, I opened my own salon, My Irys, a place in which I pour my whole soul to this day. I provide eyelash extension and manicure services for you.


Im Salon
Lodz, Stare Polesie region, Al. Tadeusza Kościuszki, 3, lokal 14, 90-418
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Empfang im Salon

Lodz, Stare Polesie р-н, Al. Tadeusza Kościuszki, 3, lokal 14, 90-418
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+4 (879) 400-...
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