
Martyna Kowalczyk (Lodz) Podologe

Leistungen und Preise master Martyna Kowalczyk (10)

Fußpflege (10)
Podologische Dienstleistungen
Entfernung von Hornhaut
Behandlung eingewachsener Zehennägel
Behandlung von Nagelpilz
Entfernung von Hühneraugen am Fuß
Behandlung von rissigen Fersen
Behandlung von Dornwarzen
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Martyna Kowalczyk

My podiatry office is designed not only to provide patients with temporary relief from the suffering associated with foot problems, but also to teach them how to properly care for and treat their feet, which will certainly lead to a more comfortable life. Treatments are carried out in comfortable and hygienic conditions, in two single rooms that provide privacy, so you can forget about shame and embarrassment, even if your feet are in very poor condition.


Im Salon
Lodz, Stare Polesie region, Obywatelska, 106
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Lodz, Stare Polesie р-н, Obywatelska, 106
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+4 (860) 013-...
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