
Paweł Burski (Lodz) Psychologe, familientherapeut

Leistungen und Preise master Paweł Burski (3)

Individuelle psychologische Beratung (1)
Individuelle psychologische Beratung
Familientherapie (1)
Gruppentherapie (1)
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Paweł Burski

My name is Pawel Burski, I am a Master of Psychotherapy from the University of Lodz. I have been working in this profession for 14 years. I do psychotherapy because I love talking to people and sharing observations with them. I find communicating with people enjoyable and it is very easy for me to form friendships with other people.


Im Salon
Lodz, Srodek region, Piotrkowska, 29
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Lodz, Srodek р-н, Piotrkowska, 29
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+4 (850) 291-...
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