
Ewelina Chrząścik (Poznan) Ernährungsberater

Leistungen und Preise master Ewelina Chrząścik (2)

Körperformung (2)
Beratung durch einen Ernährungsberater
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Ewelina Chrząścik

The diet clinic I run is part of a nationwide network of nutrition counseling centers called DOBRY DIETETYK℠. Currently, it is the largest and most reputable group of nutrition clinics in the country. This is a completely individual approach to the patient and the highest quality of services provided.


Im Salon
Poznan, Grunwald region, Kasprzaka, 3
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Empfang im Salon

Poznan, Grunwald р-н, Kasprzaka, 3
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+4 (853) 739-...
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