
Милана Ермолаева (Poznan) Masseur

Leistungen und Preise master Милана Ермолаева (7)

Massage und SPA (6)
Klassische Körpermassage von 50 zl / 30 min
Körpermassage 120 zl / 90 min
Lymphdrainage-Körpermassage 50 zl / 30 min
Anti-Cellulite-Massage 50 zl / 30 min
Entspannende Massage 70 zl / 55 min
Kinesiologisches Taping 30 zl
Körperformung (1)
Spa-Körperpackung 140 zl / 120 min
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Милана Ермолаева

My name is Milana Ermolaeva. I was an economist by first education, but quickly realizing that this was not my thing, I found my calling in the beauty industry and went to study at the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture in the direction of “Sports Medicine.” At the same time, attending courses and seminars, I clearly understood that the closest I want to make girls beautiful, namely: manual massage, anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage and of course body wraps. I also know classical massage techniques. During my practice, and this is since 2013, I have conducted about 3 thousand massage sessions, which is, for a moment, 150,000 hours of practice. But there is always something to strive for, so I continue to look for more and more new ways to be slim. I know one thing, there is no magic pill. But the “magic kick”, yes.


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Poznan, ul.Glogowska
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Poznan, ul.Glogowska
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