
Tania Goldobina (Poznan) Psychologe

Leistungen und Preise master Tania Goldobina (4)

Individuelle psychologische Beratung (1)
Individuelle psychologische Beratung
Online-Psychologenberatung (1)
Familientherapie (1)
Gruppentherapie (1)
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Tania Goldobina

Services of a Russian-speaking psychologist online and in person in Poznan. You can contact us if you are at a dead end, have little strength, cry, lash out at loved ones, scream, don’t understand what to grab onto. If you are suffering in a close relationship, your heart is broken, or you realize that life is like running in circles and there is no progress. Fatigue, irritation, tears are with you more often than before.

Zulassungsoptionen (2)

Im Salon
Poznan, Stare Miasto region, Maczka, 22
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Zulassungsoptionen (2)

Empfang im Salon

Poznan, Stare Miasto р-н, Maczka, 22
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+4 (888) 859-...
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