
Marta Krasoń-Wejman (Warsaw) Ernährungsberater

Leistungen und Preise master Marta Krasoń-Wejman (2)

Körperformung (2)
Beratung durch einen Ernährungsberater
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Marta Krasoń-Wejman

I am constantly expanding my knowledge in the field of nutrition and outside of Poland. I created the Healthy Eating Academy to professionally educate patients about nutrition, support them, and help them achieve better health and wellness. My nutritional programs are an effective antidote to the diseases of civilization.

Zulassungsoptionen (2)

Ich arbeite online
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Im Salon
Warsaw, Wola region, Łucka, 18
   Rondo Daszyńskiego
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Zulassungsoptionen (2)

Ich arbeite online

Empfang im Salon

M Rondo Daszyńskiego
Warsaw, Wola р-н, Łucka, 18
Zeitplan anzeigen
Kein klarer Zeitplan
+4 (850) 257-...
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