
Леся Скроб (Wroclaw) Kosmetikerin

Leistungen und Preise master Леся Скроб (8)

Gesichtskosmetik (8)
Kombinierte Gesichtsreinigung
Atraumatische Gesichtsreinigung
Chemische Peelings
Elektrische Myostimulation
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Леся Скроб

More than 20 years - the segment of my life that is connected with medicine. It was not easy. She worked in an oncology clinic, hemodialysis, and a pharmacy. She worked as a massage therapist for another five years. I liked the work, but I understood that my vocation was completely different. But all the time. And so, just now I am engaged in the realization of my dream. Most recently, I started my own business in the beauty industry. I was so fascinated by this field that in a year I went from a full-time medical worker in a district hospital to a cosmetologist-esthetician and developed an author's line of natural cosmetics. So, when at one point the stars lined up, probably, in a row, and I began to help our women preserve their beauty for many years.


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Wroclaw, Ul.Wielka 31/3
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Wroclaw, Ul.Wielka 31/3
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+4 (857) 507-...
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