
Olha Zakharova (Wroclaw) Kosmetikerin

Leistungen und Preise master Olha Zakharova (7)

Gesichtskosmetik (7)
Kombinierte Gesichtsreinigung 160 zl / 90 min
Alginat-Gesichtsmaske 50 zl / 20 min
Manuelle Gesichtsreinigung 140 zl / 80 min
Ultraschall-Gesichtsreinigung 100 zl / 40 min
Chemische Peelings von 150 zl / 30 min
Klassische Gesichtsmassage 100 zl / 40 min
Mikrostrom-Gesichtsbehandlungen 100 zl / 30 min
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Olha Zakharova

Cosmetologist, naturopath. I was thinking about how to choose between these two areas, because both the first and second areas are very interesting to me, but in the end I decided to combine them and work comprehensively. In this way, I provide my clients with the opportunity to get a better and more comprehensive result. I think there is no need to prove to anyone that the condition of our skin and body depends on lifestyle, nutrition, support of various body systems, and preventive health care on a regular basis. I invite girls/women/men to an ONLINE consultation on health issues. This can be both for preventive purposes and to solve certain health problems, working with excess weight, with energy levels, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, rashes, dermatitis/eczema, allergies.


Im Salon
Wroclaw, Trzebnicka 19
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Wroclaw, Trzebnicka 19
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