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Maja Nowacka-Kłos (Gdańsk) Rehabilitologist, masseur, chiropractor, kinesiotherapist, physiotherapist

Offers and prices master Maja Nowacka-Kłos (5)

Massage and SPA (4)
Body massage
Kinesiology taping
Terapia manualna (1)
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Maja Nowacka-Kłos

I care for patients after cancer treatment, mainly after treatment for breast and pelvic cancer. She took courses in complex therapy of edema, deep tissue massage, functional and transverse massage, complex therapy of scars, manual therapy according to the Maitland concept, and disorders of the motor system.

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Gdańsk, Strzyża dist, Góralska, 13/3
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No fixed shedule
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Workplace options

Reception at salon

Gdańsk, Strzyża р-н, Góralska, 13/3
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No fixed shedule
+4 (850) 103-...
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