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Martyna Nikodym (Katowice) Psychologist, adolescent psychologist, family therapist

Offers and prices master Martyna Nikodym (4)

Individual psychologist consultation (1)
Individual psychologist consultation
Online psychologist consultation (1)
Online psychologist consultation
Family therapy (1)
Family therapy
Group therapy (1)
Group therapy
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Martyna Nikodym

In my psychotherapeutic work, I use the psychodynamic approach because it provides a wide range of therapeutic effects, adapting the theory and tools to the specific case. Treatment takes place through contact with the therapist, i.e. through the relationship. The same processes occur in the patient-therapist relationship as in the patient's other relationships (with the environment or loved ones).

Workplace options (2)

At beauty salon
Katowice, City Center dist, Wojewódzka, 24/2
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No fixed shedule
Working online
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Workplace options (2)

Reception at salon

Katowice, City Center р-н, Wojewódzka, 24/2
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No fixed shedule
+4 (850) 117-...
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