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Best Reportage Photographer in Krakow

Rating of the best Reportage Photographers Krakow – 2 masters. The profiles contain detailed information about work experience, education, reviews about Reportage Photographer. See addresses on the map, choose good Reportage Photographers in Krakow for prices, examples of work. Booking online or by phone.
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Found 2 masters
12 calls
3y. experience

I am studying and take pictures with a professional camera at the price of PLN 150 at the moment

Consultation - free.

Discount 15% by promocode «Barb»

Languages: Русский, Українська, Иврит

23 calls
11y. experience

Hello everybody ) My name is Iryna, I really like to bring joy to people from the emotions they have experienced, which they feel again over time when viewing photos)) I like non-staged photos, open and free)) I like photographing family and love stories the best If you would be interested in working with me, call the number ) I will be glad to cooperate...

Languages: Українська



All specialists on the map Krakow

50-500 ZL

Rating 4.9 based on 42 Google reviews

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