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Beauty School Teachers Srodek city district

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Found 2 masters

On Barb 12 months

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Srodek dist ,
Nowa, 6/12

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I am a physiotherapist, psychologist and psycho-oncologist. My professional and scientific interests focus on physiotherapy in gynecology and obstetrics, physiotherapy in urogynecology, oncology and palliative medicine. I completed a Master's degree in Physiotherapy at the Medical University of Lodz and a Master's degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Lodz.


On Barb 12 months

In salon cabinet:
Lodz, Srodek dist ,
Tuwima, 15

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I am a Master of Physical Therapy and Personal Trainer. I specialize in urogynecological physical therapy and medical training. I constantly expand my knowledge by participating in many training courses. I also lecture at the girls' school "Moloko" in Lodz.



All specialists on the map Lodz

50-500 ZL

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