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Bartosz Kaźmierczyk (Lodz) Physiotherapist, masseur, chiropractor

Offers and prices master Bartosz Kaźmierczyk (4)

Massage and SPA (3)
Body massage
Terapia manualna (1)
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Bartosz Kaźmierczyk

I graduated from the Medical University in Lodz with a degree in Physiotherapy. I constantly develop my skills and update my knowledge so that you receive the most modern and effective treatment methods. In my practice, I focus not only on treating symptoms, but also on creating long-term results.

Workplace options

At beauty salon
Lodz, Srodek dist, Jaracza, 55/1a
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No fixed shedule
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Reception at salon

Lodz, Srodek р-н, Jaracza, 55/1a
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No fixed shedule
+4 (871) 320-...
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