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Oleksandra Redka (Lublin) Lashmaker

Offers and prices master Oleksandra Redka (6)

Eyebrow and eyelash modeling (6)
Eyebrow modeling
Eyebrow shaping with tweezers
Eyelash extensions
Classic eyelash extensions
2D eyelash extension
3D eyelash extension
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Oleksandra Redka

Zabiegi pielęgnacyjne, makijaż permanentny, stylizacja rzes ❤️
❗️pomogę w walce z trądzikiem i wszelkimi problemami skórnym

Care, permanent makeup, eyelash styling ❤️
❗️I will help in the fight against acne and all skin problems

Workplace options

Lublin, Wyżynna 16
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No fixed shedule

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Home visit

Lublin, Wyżynna 16
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No fixed shedule
+4 (850) 863-...
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