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Hair removal in Warsaw

All offers in category "Hair removal"

Hair removal in Warsaw – 54 beauty salons and 44 masters. Addresses on the map, service reviews with ratings and photos. Hair removal provided by the best specialists Warsaw. Book a service with a beauty master, in a beauty salon nearby, online or by phone.
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On Barb 30 months

at home
Warsaw, Bialoleka dist,
Kartografów, 11
M Vezhbno

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10 points
602 calls
14y. experience
Discount 10% by promocode «Barb»
Альона 13.08.2024:

Мені сподобалось , коли я робила процедури у Світлани. Вона ретельно підбирає процедури до кожного клієнта. Світлана любить свою працю .......

All feedbacks: 49

Languages: Русский, Polski, Українська


On Barb 29 months

In salon cabinet
Warsaw, Sródmiescie dist,
ul. Tamka, 18, lok 13
M Centrum Nauki Kopernik

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9.4 points
284 calls
5y. experience
Discount 10% by promocode «Barb»
Tamara 17.01.2024:

I am very pleased with the results of the work of cosmetologist Elena. She is a professional in her field and is well versed in all......

All feedbacks: 4

Languages: Русский, Polski, Українська


On Barb 24 months

at home
Warsaw, Bialoleka dist,
Dionizosa 7

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9.4 points
74 calls
5y. experience
Svetlana Mirova 26.12.2023:

Tatyana, I want to express my deep gratitude for eyebrow modeling. Your hands are real magic. Now I have the perfect eyebrow shape that I......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, Polski, Українська, Беларускі


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On Barb 35 weeks 1 day

Warsaw, Novyi Gorod
Nowy Świat 33
M Novy Svyat - Universytet

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9 points
4 calls
Pauline 31.01.2024:

The laser hair removal procedure was very comfortable. The studio staff used modern equipment and technology to achieve the desired result. They also gave me......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, Polski, Українська


On Barb 16 months

In salon cabinet
Warsaw, Zoliborz dist,
Poland Warszawa Ul.Kaliny Jędrusik 9, m.99
M Plac Wilsona

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Home visit
10 points
43 calls
25y. experience
But on 21.12.2023:

Marina is my find. Epilation with her is not just a procedure, it is a real relaxation. I feel so comfortable, as if I was......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, Українська


On Barb 21 months

In salon cabinet
Warsaw, Wola dist,
Jana Kazimierza, 7
M Księcia Janusza
M Mlynów
+ еще 2 метро
M Plotska
M Rondo Daszyńskiego

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10 points
85 calls
28y. experience
Discount 10% by promocode «Barb»
Thomas 21.12.2023:

Emphasized beauty and incredible style - this is my new smile, thanks to master Victoria. 💄 Lips, as if they had gone through the magical rotation......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, Polski, Українська

9.6 points
61 calls
5y. experience
Discount 5% by promocode «Barb»
Елена 08.02.2024:

Мой опыт посещения косметолога Эльмиры был великолепным. Она провела процедуру шугаринга усиков с невероятной аккуратностью и вниманием к каждой детали. Эльмира проявила себя как настоящий......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский


On Barb 29 months

Warsaw, Wola dist
Towarowa, 35, lok. 46

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10 points
102 calls
Yulia 08.01.2024:

I appreciate Yulia for her high professionalism and individual approach. She is very attentive, listens to wishes, always gives the right advice, and recommends only what......

All feedbacks: 3

Languages: Русский, English, Polski, Українська


On Barb 20 months

In salon cabinet
Warsaw, Sródmiescie dist,
Marszałkowska 87/lok.133
M Centrum

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10 points
12 calls
2y. experience
Larisa 11.01.2024:

Christina provides her services with high quality. Each time, hair removal procedures are carried out using sterile instruments and equipment. She takes her work responsibly......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, English, Polski, Українська, Беларускі


On Barb 19 months

In salon cabinet
Warsaw, Targówek dist,
Ścieżka dydaktyczno-turystyczna
M Targówek Mieszkaniowy
M Trotska

View on the map
28 calls
Discount 5% by promocode «Barb»

Languages: Русский, Polski, Українська


On Barb 19 months

Warsaw, Wola dist
aleja Jana Pawla II 27
M Rondo Daszyńskiego
M Rondo ONZ

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9.8 points
20 calls
Марта 10.02.2024:

Всегда избавлялась от волос на руках и ногах с помощью бритвы или эпилятора(бррррррр). Но в качестве эксперимента решила попробовать лазэр. Позвонила в LaserVille договорилась на......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, English, Polski, Українська


On Barb 29 months

Warsaw, Praga Poludnie dist
Grenadierow, 9, Wejście 04-052

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9.7 points
367 calls
Screams 02.01.2024:

I don’t have the best quality facial skin))) let’s put it this way. She is very oily, there are many small and large blackheads. It......

All feedbacks: 3


On Barb 29 months

Warsaw, Praga Poludnie dist
Вильчая, 29a/3, 00-544

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10 points
162 calls
Evgeniya 04.11.2023:

I really love this Beauty Line center, I’ve been going here for about a year and a half mainly to get manicures, as well as eyebrow and......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 29 months

Warsaw, Sródmiescie dist
Мокотовска, 15А, пом. 2Б 00-640

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10 points
100 calls
Nata 30.12.2023:

I recently visited a beauty salon and had a pregnancy massage. An excellent procedure that completely alleviated my troubles and took exceptional care of my comfort.......

All feedbacks: 3


On Barb 28 months

In salon cabinet

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9.4 points
52 calls
Лиля 12.02.2024:

Обычно к процедуре депиляции в салоне отношусь с некоторой опасной и сомнением в качестве. Но вот шугаринг, выполненный Катериной, порадовал результатом. Никакого раздражения на коже,......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, Polski


On Barb 28 months

In salon cabinet
aleja Jana Pawla II, 41 A

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9.4 points
16 calls
Svetlana 09.01.2024:

Lesya is a master of her craft. Hand sugaring was easy and painless thanks to her experience and attention. She created a comfortable atmosphere where......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, Polski


On Barb 18 months

Warsaw, Sródmiescie dist
ul. Piękna, 19, 00-549
M Polytechnic

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8.6 points
35 calls
Наталья 08.02.2024:

Ходила на татуаж бровей, подруга посоветовала. Отличная студия, сделали очень даже хорошо. Не знала, что получится именно так. Передайте огромнейшую благодарность мастеру, которая работала......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 18 months

Warsaw, Mokotów dist
ul. Bobrowiecka, 8, 00-728

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10 points
34 calls
Алиса 09.02.2024:

Меня беспокоил целлюлит на ногах, который появился из-за малоподвижного образа жизни и стресса. По рекомендации подруги я записалась на процедуру антицеллюлитного массажа. С первого же......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 18 months

Warsaw, Sródmiescie dist
St. Barbara, 4/U2, 00-686

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9.6 points
19 calls
Нонна 13.02.2024:

Я недавно посетила косметологический центр Projekt Skóra для процедуры микронидлинга, и я абсолютно в восторге от результатов. Моя кожа выглядит свежей и сияющей. Специалисты были......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 29 months

ul.Jana Pawla II 66

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10 points
34 calls
Lera 08.01.2024:

I am very pleased with the quality of treatment at the cosmetology center "Flawless skin", I was also pleased with the service and attitude of the doctors......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, Polski


On Barb 28 months

Merliniego 5/2 00-000

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9.6 points
48 calls
Клементина 13.02.2024:

Я только что посетила салон красоты Pro Expert Clinic на процедуру комбинированной чистки лица, и я абсолютно в восторге. Мое лицо выглядит свежим и сияющим, а......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Polski


On Barb 28 months

In salon cabinet

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9.4 points
30 calls
Вероника 11.02.2024:

Ого, Василиса - просто волшебница. Она мне сделала такое стильное ламинирование бровей, что я просто влюбилась в свой взгляд заново. Никто не понимает меня так,......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, Polski


On Barb 29 months

Żurawia 43, piętro 2

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10 points
64 calls
Marina 30.01.2024:

The craftsmen at "Merla" are professionals in their field. The hardware manicure was quick and painless, and I was pleased with the result - my nails......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 28 months

Fundamentowa 53/lok. U1, 04-057

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9.6 points
89 calls
Sophia 30.01.2024:

From the very beginning of my visit to the salon, I was struck by the cozy and friendly atmosphere. The studio staff showed professionalism and care......

All feedbacks: 2

Languages: Русский, Polski


On Barb 18 months

Warsaw, Sródmiescie dist
Żelazna, 5900-848

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10 points
66 calls
Elizabeth 10.01.2024:

I visited a cosmetology center and received a daytime business makeup service. I want to express my deep gratitude for the amazing result. The makeup......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 17 months

Warsaw, Staryy Mokotów
Al. Niepodległości, 159 lok. U110

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9.9 points
32 calls
Marina 30.01.2024:

I visited Lawenda for a relaxing massage. I simply needed it, but how necessary it was, I only realized during the process and upon completion.......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 29 months

ul. Włodarzewska, 72, 02-393

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10 points
81 calls
Olga 01.01.2024:

I've been here many times, for a number of beauty treatments, from a simple manicure to coloring. The craftsmen work here really well and skillfully, the......

All feedbacks: 2


On Barb 29 months

Inflancka 4B Gdański Buissnes Center Budynek C, 00-193

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10 points
94 calls
Anna 09.01.2024:

My smile has become a real work of art thanks to the professionals at this salon who whitened my teeth. I am delighted with the result......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, Polski


On Barb 18 months

Warsaw, Mokotów dist
ul. Bukowińska, 22a, 02-703

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9.6 points
32 calls
Раиса 14.02.2024:

Я недавно посетила Косметологический центр Klinika Krajewski для процедуры увеличения губ, и я абсолютно влюблена в результаты. С самого начала меня поразило, насколько внимательным и профессиональным......

All feedbacks: 1


On Barb 28 months

Wileńska 14B, 03-414

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10 points
37 calls
Амина 16.02.2024:

Я прошла здесь лазерную эпиляцию бикини-зоныи. Все мастера очень доброжелательные и компетентные. Процедура прошла быстро и абсолютно безболезненно, а результат превзошел все ожидания. Теперь......

All feedbacks: 1

Languages: Русский, Polski


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Hair removal Near me Warsaw

50-500 ZL

Rating 4.9 based on 42 Google reviews

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