I visited Lawenda for a relaxing massage. I simply needed it, but how necessary it was, I only realized during the process and upon completion. Wonderful effect! The atmosphere at Lawenda is calm, friendly and cozy. I didn't feel any discomfort. They know how to do massage. Now I’m thinking about other skincare treatments that I can get here.
I read reviews about carbon peeling and also wanted to do it, it suits my indications (oily skin, comedones, hyperpigmentation). I had it done at the “Lawenda” cosmetology center and came in on a recommendation. What can I say, I was pleased with the effect, I will definitely have to repeat it :-) I recommend the center, they work towards results, the specialists are experienced.
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July 2024
Fajny zabieg! Od razu po wizycie moja cera była promienna i bardziej świeża. Wszystko odbyło się sprawnie i w miłej atmosferze.