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Rating of beauty masters in Wroclaw

Rating of the best Ретушер Wroclaw – 2 masters. The profiles contain detailed information about work experience, education, reviews Ретушер. See addresses on the map, choose good Ретушер in Wroclaw for prices, examples of work. Booking online or by phone.
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Found 2 masters

On Barb 20 weeks 2 days


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7 calls
10y. experience

Hello! I am a photographer with nearly 10 years of experience, passionate about the art of capturing unforgettable moments through the lens. Over the years, I have specialized in various genres, including individual photoshoots, family photoshoots, and fashion photography.Individual photoshoots allow me to reflect the uniqueness of each person, highlighting their character and personal style. During family photoshoots, I focus on creating a cozy...

Languages: Русский, English, Polski, Українська

10 points
3 calls
16y. experience

Since 2019, I have been working in the field of photography. Photographed weddings, corporate parties, parties, individual photo shoots, photographed menus for restaurants. He taught photography classes at a modeling school. He photographed in Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Italy and Hungary. He also individually taught lessons on skin retouching, passing on the knowledge he gained at the photography school.

Languages: Polski, Українська



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50-500 ZL

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