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How does a moderator rate a profile and why is it needed?

Each beauty master and organization profile, as well as each procedure and discount, is checked by a moderator before publication. 

The moderator checks the quality of the filling and marks it on the scale below:

  • - Fine (all form fields are filled with high quality)
  • - Average (the moderator has up to 3 comments on filling)
  • - Badly (the moderator has 4 or more comments on the form)

The moderator's rating helps make it easier for clients to choose a service, procedure, or master. The first in the catalog are those procedures about which the salon or the master provided more information - a detailed description, high-quality photos, videos.

How the score affects the number of customers

The moderator's rating is the main criterion in the rating of procedures

By default, procedures with Great rating are displayed first in the catalog, followed by procedures with Medium rating, and at the very end - with a Badly one. Thus, the moderator's rating has a direct impact on the place of the procedure in the Barb catalog – the higher the score, the more clients you get.

Procedures with the same rating are sorted among themselves by the rating of the master or the organization that provides them. Procedures with the same score and the same rating are in turn sorted by date added (newest at the top).

The moderator's score affects the rating of salons and masters

By default, artist and organization profiles are displayed according to a rating based on customer reviews.

The moderator's rating is used to sort organizations and masters with the same rating. For example, if there are two masters with the same rating in the list of masters, then the master whose profile received a higher rating from the moderator will be displayed first. In turn, masters and salons with the same rating are sorted by the date of addition.

How to get high rating?

To get a high rating from the moderator, you need to correctly fill in all the fields of the form when adding your profile or procedure.

Fields that are of particular importance to the moderator's rating are marked with

You can see the rating of your profile and procedures after moderation in your account.

When a moderator puts an Medium or Badly rating, he indicates the comments that influenced it. The list of comments can be seen in the "Moderator's rating" block, which is displayed when editing a profile or procedure (discounts).

After correcting these errors and re-passing the moderation, the profile or procedure can get a higher rating and increase its rating in the catalog.