
Наталья Бурмистрова (Barnaul) Ernährungsberater

Leistungen und Preise master Наталья Бурмистрова (1)

Körperformung (1)
Beratung durch einen Ernährungsberater 1190 rub
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Наталья Бурмистрова

My name is Natalya Burmistrova, I’m 36, I’m a happy wife and mother of two boys. A couple of years ago, everything was quite good for me - a good position in a bank, a car, my own house, but there was one fact that poisoned my life - my excess weight. . . Weighing 91 kg was not healthy at all. Constant thoughts about your stomach, sides; trying to hide behind someone in all the photographs, while you definitely have to suck in your tummy and find a better angle, endless diets that give temporary results - I’m very tired of all this.
My result today is minus 27 kilograms. Now I am a member of the National Society of Dietetics of Russia, a certified nutritionist, a certified fitness nutritionist, and with pleasure, having received education and now experience in the field of dietetics, I help everyone who needs it to adjust their weight. But I think the most important thing is to help you understand the basics of rational nutrition, to understand that it is not at all expensive and not scary, as many people think, to understand that physical activity can and should be fun.


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