Plastische Gesichtschirurgie (9) | |
Nasenkorrektur | |
Blepharoplastik | |
Otoplastik | |
Operation zur Stirnverkleinerung | |
Kinnchirurgie | |
Entfernung von Bisha-Klumpen | |
Facelift-Operation | |
Gesichtsfetttransplantation | |
Cheiloplastik |
Plastische Chirurgie am Körper (7) | |
Fettabsaugung | |
Bauchdeckenstraffung | |
Verfahren zur Gesäßvergrößerung | |
Schienbeinplastik (Kruroplastik) | |
Fetttransfer | |
Hyperhidrose-Behandlungen | |
Operation zur Taillenformung |
Mammoplastik (plastische Chirurgie der Brüste) (7) | |
Brustvergrößerung | |
Bruststraffung | |
Brustverkleinerung | |
Brustwarzen-/Areola-Korrekturchirurgie | |
Gynäkomastie-Behandlung | |
Brust-Lipofilling | |
Brustvergrößerung für Männer |
Man's striving for perfection is limitless. Towards excellence in everything. This is inherent in nature itself. But if internal self-improvement - fortitude, erudition, intelligence, inner harmony with oneself - is completely within the capabilities of everyone, then, alas, it is not so easy to improve one’s appearance on one’s own.
The good news is that there is a reliable assistant in this difficult task. This is aesthetic medicine, cosmetology and plastic (aesthetic and reconstructive) surgery, which allows you to achieve amazing results.
Yekaterinburg, Бажова 137 | |
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