
Иван Матрёнин (Kazan) Psychologe

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Individuelle psychologische Beratung (1)
Individuelle psychologische Beratung 2500 rub
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Иван Матрёнин

My long-term practice as a psychologist began with working on myself.

There was a period when my own health was destroyed and psychological work actually helped bring it back. This gave me experience working with psychosomatics and understanding people with health problems.

Then in my own life there was a difficult period of divorce in my first marriage. Then I began to actively study family psychology. and now I have a wonderful personal experience of starting a family. This helps me understand people in difficult family situations.

I became a professional psychologist after many years of work in other areas, also related to working with people. This allowed me to become not a theoretical psychologist, divorced from reality, but a practical psychologist, a practitioner. Now I have a wealth of personal life experience and experience of how psychology has helped me personally and subsequently my clients in difficult life situations.

In my work, I put the practical applicability of my work at the forefront, and not following book truths that have not been lived or previously applied in practice.

Life experience and special knowledge allow me to give people information on television and radio, where I regularly participate in programs dedicated to practical psychological issues. On the YouTube channel, on social networks and here on the website you can already see a total of about 1000 videos and original articles.

In addition, I am also a lawyer with extensive experience, which greatly helps in solving difficult family situations in which questions arise related to the need to understand the legality of one’s own actions and the actions of others, for example, in divorce, division of property.

Creating a family and building relationships.
Work to normalize family relationships.
Working with loss: acute grief, divorce, death of loved ones, helping relatives whose loved ones suffer from a serious illness or pass away.
Psychosomatic diseases: excess weight, allergies, etc.
Working with addictions and codependency.

I can tell you about my education, if you are interested, read below.
I am a graduate of Kazan State University with a degree in psychology, as well as Kazan Medical University with a degree in clinical (medical) psychology. Currently a certified specialist in the field of overweight psychotherapy, family psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, body-oriented therapy. In my professional collection there are many certificates of completion of additional programs, courses and trainings from outstanding Russian and world experts in the field of psychology.
What I consider important in my work is a systematic approach to the client’s personality, which considers not only what is in the mind of the person seeking help, but also the resources of his subconscious.
To do this, I combine in my work such seemingly different areas of psychotherapeutic work as cognitive-behavioral, which traditionally pays a lot of attention to working with consciousness, and such a mystical direction as symboldrama, which works mainly with the subconscious. I combine neuro-linguistic programming, in which a lot of attention is paid to conscious or unconscious strategies of activity and behavior scenarios, and body-oriented therapy, the main focus of which is the human body with all its manifestations.
A psychoanalytic approach, in which a lot of attention is paid to the awareness of subconscious motives, the influence of past events on a person, Gestalt therapy, focused on what is manifested here and now, with coaching focused on the future.


Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (diploma with honors), 2005
Kazan State University, named after. V. I. Ulyanova-Lenin, specialty; Psychology, 2007
Kazan State Medical University. Specialty, “Clinical (medical) psychology”, 2012

Additional education, teachers:
2001 - certified NLP practitioner (Kazan, CC MC NLP in Education, V. Gerasimov/A. Pligin/B. Salikhov).
2006 - certified NLP master (MA NLP), (Kazan CC/NLP Faculty/Moscow Center for NLP in Education, Yu. Chekchurin/ /A. Gerasimov/ S. Verevkin/ G. Budaili/ B. Salikhov).
2010 – training of trainers (NLP Institute), Yu. Chekchurin/ /M. Pelehaty, certificate.
2011 – Institute of Family Counseling, certified as NLP master, R. Conner / O. Conner.
2011 - D. Gordon. Certificate.
2012 - M. Hall. Certificate.
2013 – R. Dilts. Certificate.
2013 – S. Runkle. Certificate.


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Kazan, Novo-Savinovsky region, проспект Ямашева, 48Б
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