Plastische Gesichtschirurgie (6) | |
Gesichtsfetttransplantation | 40000 rub |
Nasenkorrektur | 225500 rub |
Blepharoplastik | von 50000 rub |
Otoplastik | von 70000 rub |
Entfernung von Bisha-Klumpen | 40000 rub |
Facelift-Operation | von 125500 rub |
Plastische Chirurgie am Körper (5) | |
Fettabsaugung | von 38000 rub |
Bauchdeckenstraffung | 225500 rub |
Verfahren zur Gesäßvergrößerung | 158000 rub |
Schienbeinplastik (Kruroplastik) | 161000 rub |
Fetttransfer | von 28000 rub |
Mammoplastik (plastische Chirurgie der Brüste) (5) | |
Brustvergrößerung | von 307900 rub |
Bruststraffung | 182900 rub |
Brustverkleinerung | 212900 rub |
Brustwarzen-/Areola-Korrekturchirurgie | 40000 rub |
Brust-Lipofilling | 50000 rub |
Ästhetische plastische Genitalchirurgie (2) | |
Vaginalplastik | 95500 rub |
Schamlippenkorrektur | 50000 rub |
Alesta - a plastic surgery clinic in Kemerovo is based on the private multidisciplinary clinic Ave-Medico.
The main services of the center: facial and body plastic surgery, intimate plastic surgery, and breast plastic surgery.
The surgery has its own operating room, observation rooms in the hospital, the latest equipment and instruments for performing operations. All tests and laboratory tests are carried out in the KLI “OVUM”, the largest laboratory in the Kemerovo region, so preparation for plastic surgery takes much less time.
ул. Коммунистическая, 108А | |||||||||||||||
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