Gesichtskosmetik (15) | |
Akne-Behandlung | |
Gesichtsmesotherapie | |
Biorevitalisierung | |
Gesichtskonturierung | |
Anti-Falten-Filler-Injektionen | |
Gesichtskonturierung | |
Wangenvergrößerung | |
Tränenrinne-Filler-Behandlung | |
Nicht-chirurgische Nasenkorrektur | |
Nicht-chirurgische Kinnvergrößerung | |
Botox-Injektionen | |
Fadenlifting | |
Plasma-Facelift | |
Rosacea-Behandlung | |
Altersfleckenbehandlungen |
Körperpflege (2) | |
Nicht-chirurgische ästhetische Eingriffe im Genitalbereich | |
Injektionslipolyse |
Wiederaufbau und Pflege (1) | |
Trichologie |
I am a hereditary dermatocosmetologist. I was brought into this profession by my mother, who worked all her life at the famous Beauty Institute on Arbat. As a child, I learned with my mother the intricacies of dermatology, therefore, having already matured, I decided to enter the 1st Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov for the specialty “General Medicine”. I am a participant in almost all conferences on the topic of Dermatocosmetology that take place in Moscow and abroad. One of these conferences that I frequently attend and love is the Aesthetic and Antiaging Congress Forum.
M | China town |
Moscow, CAO р-н, Солянка, дом 1/2, стр. 2 | |
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