
Елена С. (Moscow) Maskenbildner, wimpernmacher

Leistungen und Preise master Елена С. (9)

Dauerhaftes Make-up (2)
Augenbrauen-Tattoo 4500 rub
Lippen-Permanent-Make-up 4500 rub
Augenbrauen- und Wimpernmodellierung (2)
Augenbrauenmodellierung 700 rub
Augenbrauen mit einer Pinzette formen 700 rub
Bilden (5)
Hochzeits-Make-up 2000 rub
Abend-Make-up 2000 rub
Make-up für Fotoshootings 2000 rub
Fantasie-Make-up 2500 rub
Alltags-Make-up 2000 rub
Tarif hinzufügen

Елена С.

Dear girls, I know how difficult it is to find your master! Many people worry when they go for permanent makeup, especially when they go for the first time. This is understandable, because this type of makeup is long-lasting! Accordingly, you need to do it beautifully and correctly at once!

I studied this skill for a very long time, hundreds of hours of practice on models, followed by long practice.

Now I am already sharing my knowledge and teaching in this area, and of course I continue to do my favorite job and receive clients in my cosmetology office. Where everything is clean and sterile.

Come! And we will select the perfect permanent makeup for you!


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Moscow, Шараповский проезд, с7
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