
Игорь Арно (Moscow) Maskenbildner

Leistungen und Preise master Игорь Арно (4)

Dauerhaftes Make-up (4)
Augenbrauen-Tattoo 5000 rub / 90 min
Lippen-Permanent-Make-up 5000 rub / 120 min
Augentattoo 5000 rub / 80 min
Dauerhaftes Make-up 7000 rub / 120 min
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Игорь Арно

Master of permanent makeup (tattoo) and artistic tattoo (Moscow, Russia. Malaga, Andalusia, Spain)
Work experience 4 years.
He was educated at the New York School of Makeup Arts. Architecture and design view of I. Levchuk Lash&Brows Academy. School of Academy of Micropigmentation and Tattooing Arts of Spain. Advanced training and master classes at Tatoo&Brows school by E. Aksenova, etc.
I work in the spring-summer period in Moscow, at the Institute of Cosmetology.
In autumn and winter I host receptions in Spain.

Zulassungsoptionen (2)

Im Salon
Moscow, CAO region, Большая Татарская улица, 35с3
   Zeitplan anzeigen
Пн 8:00 – 0:00
Вт 8:00 – 0:00
Ср 8:00 – 0:00
Чт 8:00 – 0:00
Пт 8:00 – 0:00
Сб 8:00 – 0:00
Вс 8:00 – 0:00
Im Salon
Moscow, CAO region, Марбелья
   Zeitplan anzeigen
Пн 8:00 – 0:00
Вт 8:00 – 0:00
Ср 8:00 – 0:00
Чт 8:00 – 0:00
Пт 8:00 – 0:00
Сб 8:00 – 0:00
Вс 8:00 – 0:00
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Zulassungsoptionen (2)

Empfang im Salon

Moscow, CAO р-н, Большая Татарская улица, 35с3
Zeitplan anzeigen
Mo 8:00 – 0:00
W 8:00 – 0:00
Mi 8:00 – 0:00
Do 8:00 – 0:00
Fr 8:00 – 0:00
Sa 8:00 – 0:00
Sonne 8:00 – 0:00
+7 (905) 548-...
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Empfang im Salon

Moscow, CAO р-н, Марбелья
Zeitplan anzeigen
Mo 8:00 – 0:00
W 8:00 – 0:00
Mi 8:00 – 0:00
Do 8:00 – 0:00
Fr 8:00 – 0:00
Sa 8:00 – 0:00
Sonne 8:00 – 0:00
+7 (905) 548-...
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