Gesichtskosmetik (6) | |
Gesichtsmesotherapie | |
Biorevitalisierung | |
Gesichtskonturierung | |
Lippenvergrößerung | |
Botox-Injektionen | |
Fadenlifting |
Definitely, after 30, you need to do home care procedures - change it to professional. You need to pay attention to the quality of your skin and have professional peelings done in a cosmetologist’s office. You need to start doing biorevitalization - this is a basic procedure that is aimed at moisturizing and toning the skin. After 30, you should try to control your facial expressions. If you have the opportunity and time, go for a facial massage. No - inject botulinum toxin. Injections are often cheaper. Once a year, a course of hardware techniques is required - you won’t get far with injections alone.
Moscow | |
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