
Валерия Кудрявцева (Moscow) Friseur, tritmentologe

Leistungen und Preise master Валерия Кудрявцева (4)

Haarglättung, Locken und Verlängerung (3)
Haarglättung mit Keratin von 2500 rub
Bixiplastik der Haare von 2500 rub
Haar-Nanoplastik von 3500 rub
Wiederaufbau und Pflege (1)
Haar-Botox von 2500 rub
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Валерия Кудрявцева

Procedures such as Botox, keratin, nanoplasty will put your hair in order and you will forget what a straightener is, and styling time will take half as much. Thanks to these procedures, you can grow the desired length. I select procedures individually, based on hair type and degree of damage. You can get your hair in order from any condition, the main thing is to choose the right procedure.


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M Novokosino
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