
Виктория Чабарина (Moscow) Masseur

Leistungen und Preise master Виктория Чабарина (13)

Massage und SPA (10)
Anti-Cellulite-Massage 1700 rub / 40 min
Entspannende Massage 1600 rub / 60 min
Exotische Massage
Kindermassage 1000 rub / 40 min
Körpermassage von 500 rub
Klassische Körpermassage
Körpermassage 2200 rub / 90 min
Antwort 1100 rub / 40 min
Nackenmassage 500 rub / 25 min
Lymphdrainage-Körpermassage 1700 rub / 60 min
Körperformung (3)
Spa-Körperpackung von 2300 rub / 40 min
Pressotherapie 900 rub / 45 min
Myostimulation 1500 rub / 60 min
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Виктория Чабарина

Manual and hardware massage. Kinesio taping. Discounts, honey education. Diagnostics before the first massage session is a mandatory procedure. It is performed with the goal of not harming and providing the most adequate assistance to the client. Extracts from the medical record, photographs and doctor’s reports, and a referral for a massage do not replace the examination of the patient by the massage therapist himself.


Im Salon
Moscow, ZAO region, Большая Филевская, 18
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M Fili
Moscow, ZAO р-н, Большая Филевская, 18
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+7 (926) 168-...
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