
Светлана Мазурик (Moscow) Friseur, lehrer für schönheitsschule, tritmentologe

Leistungen und Preise master Светлана Мазурик (2)

Haarglättung, Locken und Verlängerung (1)
Haarglättung mit Keratin von 5000 rub
Wiederaufbau und Pflege (1)
Haar-Botox von 3500 rub
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Светлана Мазурик

If damaged and split ends are not trimmed, they will break off when combing. Trimming the ends once every 2-3 months will be enough. ⠀ Regular haircut will not speed up their growth. However, a haircut will protect your hair from damage and split ends and ensure comfortable growth. Do you cut your hair regularly?


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