
Наталья Трифонова (Moscow) Wimpernmacher, augenbrauenmacher

Leistungen und Preise master Наталья Трифонова (5)

Augenbrauen- und Wimpernmodellierung (5)
Augenbrauen wachsen 300 rub
Augenbrauen mit einer Pinzette formen 300 rub
Augenbrauen färben 400 rub
Wimpernlaminierung 1700 rub
Wimpern-Botox 2000 rub
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Наталья Трифонова

Life without eyebrows lately is not life, but vegetating on the sidelines. Eyebrows are no longer a trend, but a style-forming element that makes you stand out. If the shape is chosen correctly, eyebrows will really make your face more beautiful. Thanks to this, you can even hide some imperfections in appearance. For example, visually lengthen the face or make it wider, and also, if necessary, emphasize the eyes.


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