Plastische Gesichtschirurgie (6) | |
Nasenkorrektur | |
Blepharoplastik | |
Otoplastik | |
Operation zur Stirnverkleinerung | |
Kinnchirurgie | |
Facelift-Operation |
Plastische Chirurgie am Körper (2) | |
Fettabsaugung | |
Bauchdeckenstraffung |
Mammoplastik (plastische Chirurgie der Brüste) (4) | |
Brustvergrößerung | |
Bruststraffung | |
Brustverkleinerung | |
Brustwarzen-/Areola-Korrekturchirurgie |
Candidate of Medical Sciences and Associate Professor of the Department of Surgery. More than 11 years in the profession. My teachers are Giovanni Botti et Mario Ceravolo. Don't be afraid to ask! When I release a patient, I always prepare a discharge note (an official document regulating the postoperative period). And I make sure to tell everything in order. I love the algorithm, precision and clarity in everything. After that we part for a while. . .
Moscow | |
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