
Диана Сапрыкина (Moscow) Augenbrauenmacher

Leistungen und Preise master Диана Сапрыкина (3)

Augenbrauen- und Wimpernmodellierung (3)
Augenbrauenmodellierung 1000 rub
Wimpern färben 500 rub
Augenbrauenlaminierung 2000 rub
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Диана Сапрыкина

What can I do to make the dye last longer on my eyebrows? How long the dye will last depends on the skin type; for example, on oily skin it can wash off very quickly. Also depends on how you followed the recommendations: do not get wet for 24 hours, do not go to the sauna, gym, do not scrub, do not apply oils, fatty creams until the mark disappears from the skin. The less you touch your eyebrows, the longer the tint lasts.


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