Gesichtskosmetik (12) | |
Ultraschall-Gesichtsreinigung | 2800 rub |
Chemische Peelings | |
Glykolsäure-Peelings | 2200 rub |
Retinol-Peeling der Haut | 6050 rub |
Jessner-Peeling | 3650 rub |
Salicylsäure-Peeling | 3000 rub |
Mandel-Gesichtspeeling | 3200 rub |
Gesichtskonturierung | |
Lippenvergrößerung | 14200 rub |
Botox-Injektionen | 440 rub |
Bioverstärkung des Gesichts | 18100 rub |
Plasma-Facelift | 6200 rub |
To gain the right to call myself a dermatovenereologist-cosmetologist, I had to overcome 8 long years of study. Graduate from the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov with a specialty in general medicine, then undergo clinical residency at the Clinic of Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases named after. V. A. Rakhmanov, and finally, undergo professional retraining (576 hours) at the State Scientific Center for Children's Culture in the specialty: "cosmetology".
M | Domodedovskaya |
M | Kashirskaya |
Moscow, YuAO р-н, Каширское шоссе, 74 к1 | |
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