Plastische Gesichtschirurgie (5) | |
Nasenkorrektur | 450000 rub |
Kinnchirurgie | 147000 rub |
Entfernung von Bisha-Klumpen | 130000 rub |
Facelift-Operation | 185000 rub |
Cheiloplastik | 54000 rub |
Plastische Chirurgie am Körper (2) | |
Fettabsaugung | von 38000 rub |
Bauchdeckenstraffung | 320000 rub |
Mammoplastik (plastische Chirurgie der Brüste) (2) | |
Brustvergrößerung | 410000 rub |
Bruststraffung | 360000 rub |
Our field is constantly and dynamically developing. Every year there are many international conferences and symposiums where experience is exchanged with foreign colleagues. Over the years of practice, I have accumulated vast universal experience, allowing me to perform a variety of full-fledged operations on the face and body. I try to constantly develop, to be, so to speak, in the trend - I attend conferences, use foreign experience, study new technologies. In my practice, I often use advanced and modern techniques; in my opinion, they are more reliable and less traumatic. Of course, there are also classical methods that have proven themselves and do not lose their relevance to this day.
M | Ozernaya |
Moscow, ZAO р-н, Большая Очаковская улица, 31 | |
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