
Леонард Вирабян (Moscow) Schönheitschirurg

Leistungen und Preise master Леонард Вирабян (6)

Plastische Gesichtschirurgie (2)
Blepharoplastik von 100000 rub
Facelift-Operation von 280000 rub
Plastische Chirurgie am Körper (2)
Fettabsaugung von 55000 rub
Bauchdeckenstraffung von 200000 rub
Mammoplastik (plastische Chirurgie der Brüste) (2)
Brustvergrößerung von 230000 rub
Bruststraffung von 200000 rub
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Леонард Вирабян

Aurora Beauty Awards - blepharo. Dore Beauty Awards - abdomino. 3D modeling.
Free consultation. Installment plan without %. If a person has congenital physical disabilities or has had an accident, then with the help of plastic surgery you can really change your life for the better. Unattractive appearance is a serious test for the human psyche.


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