
Die besten plastischen Chirurgen in Moscow

Rating of the best Plastische Chirurgen Moscow – 370 masters. The profiles contain detailed information about work experience, education, reviews über Plastische Chirurgie. See addresses on the map, choose good Plastische Chirurgen in Moscow for prices, examples of work. Booking online or by phone.
Gefunden 370 masters

bereits bei Barb 26 Monate

Im Salon:

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Obstetrician-gynecologist, cosmetologist. Contour plastic. Colporrhaphy. Intimate rejuvenation. Labiaplasty.


bereits bei Barb 26 Monate

Im Salon:

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Medical cosmetology. Botox. Lip augmentation. Jolie's profile. Biorevitalization. Plasmolifting. Threads. Blepharoplasty. Removing Bish's lumps.


bereits bei Barb 53 Monate

Im Salon:

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Now you can sign up for a free consultation, both in person and online. To receive online consultation, send a photo and describe the problem. After this, we will schedule a consultation time and communicate via video conference. The initial consultation is important for both the doctor and the patient.


bereits bei Barb 53 Monate

Im Salon:

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I am a plastic surgeon with a higher education diploma. I constantly undergo advanced training, this is confirmed by certificates. If necessary, I can provide these documents. My place of work is clinics that not only have a valid license to conduct operations, but also properly equipped operating rooms and a staff of medical staff. The equipment in the clinics where I perform plastic surgery also has all...


bereits bei Barb 53 Monate

Im Salon:

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Femininity is a combination of tenderness, fragility, and beauty. These qualities make men want to protect us! And of course, these qualities come from within. But sometimes, in order to reveal them in yourself, you want to work with the external side of the issue. And I know for sure that after mammoplasty my girls begin to feel more feminine and desirable!


bereits bei Barb 53 Monate

Im Salon:

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I believe that a doctor is a profession that requires not only an attentive and caring attitude towards his patients and colleagues, but also constant improvement of professional skills, mastery of new methods and technologies for treating patients, expanding one’s professional capabilities by studying related branches of medicine, introducing modern achievements of science into practical activities. Therefore, I pay great attention...

Beratung - 2000 rub


bereits bei Barb 53 Monate

Im Salon:
Moscow, SZAO region ,
Рогова, 22к3
M Shchukinskaya

Auf der Karte anzeigen

Plastic surgeon, oncoplastic surgeon. Full member of the Society of Plastic Surgeons. More than 200 operations on the mammary glands. More than 150 operations performed in the maxillofacial area. More than 30 abdominoplasties performed. More than 500 other plastic profile operations. More than 100 children's plastic surgeries. More than 50 oncoplastic operations.


bereits bei Barb 53 Monate

Im Salon:
Moscow, YuVAO region ,
Ставропольская, домовл. 23, корп. 1

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More than 5,000 thousand surgical operations of varying degrees of complexity have been performed. Regular participant in congresses, conferences and international symposia. Performs aesthetic surgeries - rhinoplasty, septoplasty, otoplasty, blepharoplasty, liposuction, abdominoplasty, mammoplasty, intimate plastic surgery. Performs both emergency and planned surgical interventions on the organs of the abdominal cavity of the small pelvis, perineum, sacrococcygeal region,...


bereits bei Barb 53 Monate

Im Salon:
Moscow, YuZAO region ,
Литовский бульвар, д. 1А
M Teply Stan

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Head of the Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery. List of manipulations and operations performed by a doctor in the clinic: surgical treatment of aesthetic defects in appearance, post-traumatic deformities, microsurgery of the upper and lower extremities, consequences of limb injuries, surgery of peripheral nerves.


bereits bei Barb 29 Monate

Im Salon:
Moscow, CAO region ,
Ольховская, 27
M Krasnoselskaya

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More than 300 breast plastic surgeries per year. I have in my arsenal not only modern techniques for breast augmentation and lifting, but also complex innovative technologies for breast reconstruction and restoration of the nipple-areolar complex.



Alle masters auf der Karte Moscow

1200-12000 RUR

Evaluation 4.9 based on 42 Google-Bewertungen


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