Leistungen und Preise salon Grand Clinic (91)
Klassische Gesichtsmassage
Lymphatische Gesichtsmassage
Kosmetische Injektionen
Nichtinvasive Gesichtsverjüngung
Elektrische Myostimulation
Nadelfreie Mesotherapie
Nichtinvasive Gesichtsverjüngung
Beseitigen Sie ästhetische Probleme
Elektrische Myostimulation
Entfernung von Neoplasien
Photorejuvenation (IPL)-Behandlungen
Lymphatische Gesichtsmassage
Massage und SPA
Massage und SPA
Körperpackungen mit Meeresalgen
Körperformung mit Mesotherapie
Plastische Chirurgie am Körper
Wiederaufbau und Pflege
Wiederaufbau und Pflege
Haarschnitt und Haarstyling
Podologische Dienstleistungen
Tätowierung und Piercing
Plastische Gesichtschirurgie
Plastische Gesichtschirurgie
Plastische Gesichtschirurgie
Plastische Gesichtschirurgie
Individuelle psychologische Beratung
Individuelle psychologische Beratung
Individuelle psychologische Beratung
Mundgesundheitsproblemen vorbeugen
Mundgesundheitsproblemen vorbeugen
Tarif hinzufügen
Grand Clinic
Spa, Medical rehabilitation, Cosmetology, Medical center, clinic
Anonymous medical examination, hydromassage pool, children's specialists available, shock wave therapy, wi-fi, cosmetology for men, payment by card, parking, medical pedicure, gift certificate, for children, piercing
For the figure: lifting, hydromassage, mesotherapy, vacuum treatment, shock wave therapy, peeling, myostimulation, ultrasound treatment, elos technology, lymphatic drainage, wrapping
Doctors and specialists: epileptologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, phlebologist, nephrologist, gerontologist, hematologist, narcologist, gastroenterologist, radiologist, chiropractor, otolaryngologist, andrologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, therapist, infectious disease specialist, neurosurgeon, gynecologist, dermatovenerologist, podologist, nutritionist, oncologist , trichologist, plastic surgeon, surgeon, allergist, orthopedist, angiosurgeon, traumatologist, sex therapist, urologist, rehabilitation specialist, lymphologist, pulmonologist, psychotherapist, psychologist, radiologist, epidemiologist, pediatrician, audiologist, ophthalmologist, toxicologist, massage therapist, neurologist, proctologist, neuropsychologist, mammologist, anesthesiologist-reanimatologist, immunologist, reproductologist, cosmetologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, osteopath, homeopath
Form of ownership: private
Types of cosmetology: hardware cosmetology, aesthetic cosmetology, medical cosmetology, laser cosmetology
Beauty services: Hardware cosmetology, Ozone therapy of the head, Ozone therapy of the body, Ozone therapy in cosmetology, Myostimulation, Cryosauna, Cryotherapy in cosmetology
Medical services: Cryodestruction of plantar warts, Pharmacopuncture, Cryodestruction of formations, Cryodestruction of wart vulgaris, Cryotherapy, Cryotherapy of the scalp, Physiotherapy, Phlebology, Analysis for enterobiasis, Study of the function of the pituitary and pineal gland, Spectral analysis of hair for microelements, Spermogram, Specialized studies, Laboratory studies , Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, Laser coagulation of blood vessels, T-uptake (test of extinguished thyroid hormones), Determination of total triiodothyronine in the blood, Determination of free triiodothyronine in the blood, Determination of total thyroxine in the blood, Determination of free thyroxine in the blood, Test for the presence of narcotics substances, Treatment room services, Laser removal of pigment spots, Laser pigmentation therapy, Transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate (TAUS), Therapeutic exercise (physical therapy), Therapeutic baths, Therapeutic prostate massage, Acne treatment, Treatment of alcoholism, Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate (TRUS), Trichology, Calculation atherogenicity coefficient, Treatment of pigmented skin disorders, Cervicoscopy, Hair treatment procedures, Cytological studies, Cytological examination of endoscopic material, Cytological examination of urine, Cytological examination of sputum, Cytological examination of pleural fluid, Cytological examination of breast punctate, Cytological examination of punctate, Lymphatic drainage massage (pressotherapy ), Cytological examination of scrapings/smears from the cervix and cervical canal, Cytological examination of scrapings and impressions of tumors and tumor-like formations, Cytological examination of breast discharge, Lithos test, Manipulations in andrology, Laser coagulation of spider veins, Laser removal of formations, MAR test (for antisperm antibodies), Markers of autoimmune diseases, Markers of kidney function, Therapeutic massage, Medical massage, Smear for flora in women, Removal of eyelid tumors without skin grafting, Removal of eyelid tumors, Removal of skin formations, Determination of fetal Rh factor by maternal blood , Microbiological studies, Microscopic examination of sputum, Myofascial massage, Laser coagulation of blood vessels in the area of the wings of the nose, Laser coagulation of blood vessels on the face, Laser coagulation of blood vessels on the nose, Laser coagulation of blood vessels in the chin area, Laser coagulation of blood vessels in the cheek area, Shock wave therapy, Ultrasound studies (ultrasound), Cupping massage, Barotherapy, Electrophysiological studies, Narcology, Ultrasound of the female genital organs, Non-invasive prenatal diagnostics, Culture for Listeria, Scraping for pathogenic fungi, Neurology, Ultrasound of the endocrine system, Ultrasound of the lymphatic system, General barotherapy, Ultrasound of the bladder , General therapy, General therapeutic baths, General stool analysis, General blood test, General urinalysis, General analysis of synovial fluid, Ultrasound of the adrenal glands, Endometrial biopsy, Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, Transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs, Ultrasound of the scrotal organs , Complex cleansing of the body, ultrasound of the kidneys, Skin biopsy, ultrasound during pregnancy, ultrasound of the prostate, ultrasound of the reproductive system, ultrasound of the thyroid gland, ultrasound of the spleen, ultrasound of the salivary glands, Ophthalmology, Repeated appointment with a dermatologist, ultrasound of the digestive system, Tumor markers, ultrasound of the urinary system, ultrasound male genital organs, Ultrasound of soft tissues and superficial structures, Aerotherapy, Obstetrics and gynecology, Allergological studies, Alternative medicine, Visceral massage, Analysis of the chemical composition of kidney stones, Analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis, Analysis of stool for pancreatic elastase-1, Analysis of stool for occult blood , Stool analysis for carbohydrates, Stool analysis for helminth eggs, Blood test for protein fractions, Blood test for electrolytes, Intravenous infusion, Intravenous drip infusion (drip), Urine test for alpha-amylase (diastase), Urine test for amphetamine, Regenerative medicine , Urine analysis for creatinine, Analysis for albumin in 24-hour urine, Urine analysis for the presence of heavy metals and trace elements, Urine analysis for total protein, Urine analysis for the content of narcotic substances, Urine analysis for the ratio of albumin and creatinine, Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, Determination of ACTH in the blood, Analysis for alpha-1-antitrypsin, Analysis for alpha-2-macroglobulin, Analysis for pancreatic alpha-amylase, Analysis for alpha-amylase, Analysis for fungal and mold allergens (1 allergen), Ultrasound of the parathyroid glands, Allergen analysis tissue (1 allergen), Analysis for ALT, Analysis for antibodies to citrullinated vimentin, Analysis for Kell antigens, Analysis for antinuclear factor (ANF), Analysis for IgG antibodies to Candida, Withdrawal from binge drinking, Analysis for glycated hemoglobin, Determination of P1NP (marker bone matrix formation), Determination of fetal sex by maternal blood, Analysis for antibodies to pancreatic β-cells, Analysis for antibodies to antigens of the endocrine pancreas, Analysis for antibodies to thyroid antigens, Determination of Pyrilinks-D (a marker of bone tissue resorption) , Determination of antibodies to C1q in blood serum, Test for antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis IgG, Determination of antibodies to Helicobacter in blood by ELISA, Test for antibodies to double-stranded DNA (ds DNA), Test for antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), Test for antibodies to insulin, Test for antibodies to Jo-1, Test for antibodies to myeloperoxidase (MPO), Test for antibodies to the microsomal fraction of thyrocytes (AT-MAG), Determination of antibodies to nucleosomes in blood serum, Test for antibodies to proteinase 3 (PR3), Test for antibodies to TSH receptors (AT to rTSH), Test for antibodies to Scl-70, Test for antibodies to Sm, Test for antibodies to thyroglobulin (AT-TG), Test for antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (AT-TPO), Determination of antibodies to the cytoplasm of neutrophils (ANCA) in the blood, Test for apolipoprotein A1, Test for apolipoprotein B, Determination of antistreptolysin-O, Test for AST, Test for biogenic amines, Determination of CA 15, Test for eosinophil cationic protein, Test for ferritin, Test for folate acid, Analysis for phosphorus in the blood, Analysis for phosphorus in the urine, Analysis for fructosamine, Analysis for haptoglobin, Analysis for GGT, Analysis for glucose in 24-hour urine, Analysis for homocysteine, Analysis for gonorrhea, Analysis for Helicobacter pylori infection, Analysis for chlamydia, Test for chlorine in the blood, Test for chlorine in the urine, Test for cholinesterase, Study of the level of serum immunoglobulins in the blood IgA, Test for immunoglobulin E (IgE), Study of the level of serum immunoglobulins in the blood IgG, Test for immunoglobulins, Study of the level of cryoglobulins in the blood serum , Analysis for potassium in the blood, Analysis for potassium in the urine, Analysis for ionized calcium, Analysis for total calcium, Analysis for calcium in daily urine, Analysis for candidiasis, Analysis for catecholamines in the blood, Analysis for catecholamines in the urine, Analysis for acid phosphatase , Creatine kinase-MB test, Creatine kinase test, Otolaryngological studies, Lactate (lactic acid) test, LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) test, Lipase test, Determination of lipoproteins in serum, Lipoprotein (a) test, Listeria test, Analysis for LVSS, Analysis for magnesium in urine, Analysis for markers of allergic reactions, Analysis for markers of antiphospholipid syndrome, Analysis for markers of autoimmune infertility, Analysis for markers of autoimmune endocrinopathies, Genetic studies, Analysis for markers of autoimmune lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, Analysis for markers of rheumatoid arthritis, Analysis for markers of systemic vasculitis and kidney damage, Analysis for markers of systemic connective tissue diseases, Analysis for catecholamine metabolites in urine, Analysis for mycoplasma infection, Analysis for myoglobin, Analysis for urea in urine, Analysis for uric acid in urine, Analysis for sodium in urine, Analysis for indirect bilirubin, Analysis for total bilirubin, Analysis for oxalates in urine, Analysis for CVS, Hydromassage bath, Hydrotherapy, Analysis for sex hormones, Hyperbaric oxygenation (oxygen barotherapy), Ozone therapy of the scalp, Analysis for direct bilirubin, Paypel- biopsy, Analysis for rheumatoid factor (RF), Histological studies, Analysis for C4 component of the complement system, Analysis for alkaline phosphatase, Analysis for syphilis, Histological examination of a biopsy specimen, Analysis for specific proteins and markers of inflammation, Histological examination of a biopsy specimen of the female genital organs, Histological examination endometrium, Analysis for free cortisol in urine, Analysis for transferrin, Analysis for triglycerides, Analysis for troponins, Glucose tolerance test, Analysis for zinc in the blood, Analysis for tuberculosis, Analysis for ureaplasma infection, Genetic test for determining kinship, Genetics, Analysis for virus herpes simplex type 1, 2, Vitamin A test, Vitamin B12 test (cyanocobalamin), Vitamin D test (25-OH-D), Vitamin test, Lupus anticoagulant (LA) test, HPV test (papillomavirus) , Bile acid analysis, Serum iron analysis, Single allergen analysis, Bacterial allergen panel analysis, Household allergen panel analysis, Fungal allergen panel analysis, Food allergen panel analysis, Respiratory allergen panel analysis, Pediatric allergen panel analysis, Mixed allergen panel analysis, Determination of C-reactive protein, TORCH analysis, Hair analysis for trace elements, Hair analysis for the presence of heavy metals and trace elements, Hair analysis for drugs, Tests for fungal infections, Androgen profile, Andrology, Facial plastic surgery, Hardware hair treatment in trichology, Surgical treatment of pathology eyelid, HLA typing class II, HLA typing, Parasitological studies, Immunohematological studies, Immunohistochemical diagnosis of chronic endometritis, Immunohistochemical studies (IHC studies), Immunohistochemical screening for cervical cancer, Screening immunological examination, Immunological studies, Face and neck lift, Injections , Injection procedures in trichology, Bacteriological examination of stool, Bacteriological examination of urine for microflora, Balneotherapy, Blood culture for sterility, Blood culture, Culture of material from the pharynx for flora, Biochemical studies of proteins, Biochemical studies, Biochemical analysis of stool, Biochemical blood test, Biochemical analysis urine, Biochemical analysis of semen, Culture for mycoplasmas and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics, Biopsies, Culture of the discharge of the urogenital tract, Culture of the discharge of the upper respiratory tract with determination of sensitivity, Culture of the skin and mucous membranes, Culture of scrapings / discharge of the skin for microflora, Biopsy of the genitourinary system, Prostate biopsy, Infusions, Joint biopsy, Repeated consultation with a therapist, Infusion (dropper) of sodium chloride, Analysis for C3 component of the complement system, Intimate plastic surgery in gynecology, Coombs test, Rehberg test, Zimnitsky test, Determination of somatomedin-C in the blood, Determination of growth hormone in the blood, Study of adrenal gland function, Study of thyroid function, Study of hs CRP with a highly sensitive method, Study of demodex eyelashes / skin, Study of iron metabolism, Dermatology, Study of prostate secretion, Study of C-reactive protein, Study of complement levels, Studies of enzymes, Studies of lipid metabolism, Studies of bone tissue metabolism, Analysis of a panel of allergens, Studies of selected bacterial infections, Studies of carbohydrate metabolism, Studies of the urogenital tract, Studies of bile pigments and acids, PCR analysis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA, PCR detection of gonorrhea, Diagnostic operations, Analysis for ceruloplasmin, PCR -DNA analysis of Ureaplasma urealyticum, Cardiology, Diagnostics, Diagnosis of celiac disease, Karyotyping, Diagnostics in dentistry, Diagnosis of hair diseases, Diagnosis of viral infections, Puncture biopsies, Hormonal studies, Classical massage, Clinical fecal studies, Clinical blood tests, Clinical urine studies, Clinical laboratory research, Clinical blood test with leukocyte formula, Coagulogram, Coagulological tests, Comprehensive andrological examination, Comprehensive gastroenterological examination, Comprehensive gynecological examination, Breath test for Helicobacter, Comprehensive oncological examination, Comprehensive laboratory tests, Comprehensive examination programs (check up), Compresses, Chemicals -toxicological studies, Reflexology (acupuncture), Consultations in obstetrics and gynecology, Consultations in dermatology, Consultations in endocrinology, Consultations in genetics, Consultations in cardiology, Electrophysiological studies of the cardiovascular system, Consultations in neurology, Consultations in general therapy, Electrocardiography (ECG) ), Repeated consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, Electrocoagulation of a plantar wart, Electrocoagulation of formations, Electrocoagulation of a vulgar wart, Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Appointment with an endocrinologist, Consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist, Endocrinology, Karyotyping with aberrations, Appointment with a cardiologist, Surgical ophthalmology, Appointment with a neurologist, Endoscopic studies, Consultation with a therapist, Consultation with a geneticist, Endoscopy of the genitourinary system, Cosmetic phlebology
Diagnostic methods: ultrasound, mammography, ELISA, PCR, LHC, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, angiography, echocardiography, biopsy, Dopplerography, 3D ultrasound, ECG
Vaccination: chicken pox, influenza, hepatitis, tuberculosis, Mantoux test, meningococcal meningitis, hemophilus influenzae, polio, tetanus, smallpox, measles, rubella, DPT and ADSM, tick-borne encephalitis, papilloma virus, rabies, yellow fever
Specialization of the clinic: lymphology, therapeutic services, algology, bacteriology, eco, surgery, neurosurgery, mammology, manual therapy, nephrology, orthopedics, trichology, virology, otorhinolaryngology, neurology, psychiatry, family medicine, hirudology, andrology, cardiac surgery, venereology, dermatology, psychology and psychotherapy, parasitology, dietetics, vaccination, cosmetology, ophthalmology, traumatology, dentistry, neonatology, speech therapy, pediatrics, somnology, pulmonology, plastic surgery, defectology and audiology, transfusiology, genetics, gerontology, narcology, diagnostics, physiotherapy and exercise therapy, angiology , sexology, cardiology, urology, balneotherapy, phlebology, gynecology, infectious disease specialists, allergology, homeopathy, gastroenterology, coloproctology, obstetrics, vertebrology, immunology, reflexology, osteopathy, arthrology and rheumatology, hematology, oncology, endocrinology
Cosmetology services: ultrasonic liposuction, myostimulation, contour plastic surgery, scar removal, darsonvalization, medical cosmetology, dysport, lip augmentation, biorevitalization, biolifting, endosphere, non-injection mesotherapy, injection lipolysis, anti-age procedures, hardware myolifting, mesotherapy, fractional thermolysis, treatment acne, fractional resurfacing, ultraphonophoresis, Charcot shower, Juvederm, LPG, Botox, non-surgical skin lifting, photorejuvenation, lifting, facial massage, laser rejuvenation, hardware facial cosmetology, vacuum massager, facial care, skin cleansing, Surjiderm, injection procedures, hair removal , body care, restylane/pearline, microiontophoresis, biocurrent therapy, figure correction, iontophoresis, laser liposuction, ultrasound, removal of vascular defects, collagen, balneotherapy, plasma lifting, injection liposuction, biopolymer gel, removal of tumors, biothreads, peeling, thermage
Epilation/depilation: photoepilation, enzymatic, electrolysis, laser
Spa: spa programs, thalassotherapy, aromatherapy
30.11.2023 Василиса
Давно привыкла посещать Grand Clinic, это очень современный и навороченный косметологический центр. Больше года сюда хожу и далеко не всеми их процедурами пользовалась. Много раз на массаж ходила, так же периодически пиллинг лица тут делаю. Ну и эпиляцию я тоже делаю здесь, примерно один раз в три недели или раньше. Цены приемлемые и сотрудники всегда вежливые.