Nizhny Novgorod

Екатерина Озаренкова (Nizhny Novgorod) Psychologe

Leistungen und Preise master Екатерина Озаренкова (1)

Individuelle psychologische Beratung (1)
Individuelle psychologische Beratung 2000 rub
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Екатерина Озаренкова

Good afternoon My name is Ekaterina. I am a caring and warm psychologist. I work with people and with faith in everyone. There is a lot of creativity in my work, and I know how to ask important questions that help my clients find exactly their answers. I don't have written rules, but I do have the power and ability to listen and hear.

I can be useful and have experience with:
- Eating disorder (eating disorder),
- grief and loss,
- with the desire to find yourself,
- with love addiction,
- with relationship problems,
- with distrust of the world and people.


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