Nizhny Novgorod

Л-Мед многопрофильная клиника (Nizhny Novgorod) Kosmetikklinik

Leistungen und Preise salon Л-Мед многопрофильная клиника (50)

Gesichtskosmetik (31)
Klassische Gesichtsmassage
Lymphatische Gesichtsmassage
Kosmetische Injektionen
Nichtinvasive Gesichtsverjüngung
Elektrische Myostimulation
Nadelfreie Mesotherapie
Nichtinvasive Gesichtsverjüngung
Beseitigen Sie ästhetische Probleme
Elektrische Myostimulation
Entfernung von Neoplasien
Lymphatische Gesichtsmassage
Massage und SPA (4)
Massage und SPA
Körperformung (4)
Körperpflege (2)
Körperformung mit Mesotherapie
Wiederaufbau und Pflege (3)
Haarentfernung (1)
Haarschnitt und Haarstyling (1)
Tätowierung und Piercing (1)
Mundgesundheitsproblemen vorbeugen (1)
Mundgesundheitsproblemen vorbeugen
Familienfotosession (1)
Tarif hinzufügen

Л-Мед многопрофильная клиника

Medical center, clinic, Diagnostic center, Cosmetology
Parking, for children, wi-fi, gift certificate, payment by card, anonymous medical examination, doctor’s visit to your home, children’s specialists available

Cosmetology services: medical cosmetology, biorevitalization, biolifting, non-injection mesotherapy, anti-age procedures, mesotherapy, acne treatment, Botox, lifting, hardware facial cosmetology, facial care, biocurrent therapy, ultrasound, biopolymer gel, biothreads, thermage, myostimulation, contouring plastic surgery, removal of tumors, peeling, body care, removal of vascular defects, scar removal, injection procedures, skin cleansing, plasma lifting, dysport, collagen, vacuum massager, non-surgical skin lifting, hardware myolifting, figure correction, facial massage, laser rejuvenation, augmentation lips
For the figure: peeling, mesotherapy, vacuum treatment, myostimulation, lymphatic drainage
Types of cosmetology: aesthetic cosmetology, laser cosmetology, medical cosmetology, hardware cosmetology
Diagnostic methods: biopsy, ECG, echocardiography, Dopplerography, ultrasound, LHC, ELISA, PCR
Doctors and specialists: infectious disease specialist, surgeon, massage therapist, mammologist, cosmetologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, chiropractor, andrologist, urologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, therapist, phlebologist, trichologist, reproductive specialist, osteopath, dermatovenerologist, gynecologist
Form of ownership: private
Specialization of the clinic: infectious diseases, gynecology, endocrinology, surgery, mammology, trichology, dermatology, gastroenterology, manual therapy, hirudology, therapeutic services, andrology, venereology, dietology, cosmetology, physiotherapy and exercise therapy, cardiology, vertebrology, diagnostics, phlebology, neurology, urology , obstetrics, osteopathy, family medicine, lymphology, reflexology
Medical services: Obstetrics and gynecology, Alternative medicine, Outpatient and general surgery, Andrology, Urethral dilation, Dermatological studies, Dermatology, Dermatoscopy, Diagnostics, Diagnosis of hair diseases, Echosclerotherapy, Electrophysiological studies of the cardiovascular system, Electrophysiological studies, Electrocardiography (ECG), Endoscopic studies, Endoscopy of the genitourinary system, Endovasal laser coagulation of varicose veins, Physiotherapy, Phlebology, Folliculometry, Phototrichogram, Hirudotherapy, Injections, Injection procedures in trichology, Infusions, Intimate plastic surgery in gynecology, Studies of the urogenital tract, Isolated methods of treatment of varicose veins, Cardiology, Urinary catheterization bladder, Catheterization of the bladder in men, Catheterization of the bladder in women, Classical massage, Clinical laboratory tests, Simple colposcopy, Colposcopy, Conservative treatment in gynecology, Consultations in obstetrics and gynecology, Consultations in dermatology, Consultations in surgery, Consultations in cardiology, Consultations in trichology, Consultations in phlebology, Appointment with a dermatologist, Appointment with a phlebologist, Appointment with a gynecologist, Consultation with a surgeon, Appointment with a cardiologist, Appointment with a lymphologist, Consultation with an osteopath, Appointment with a trichologist, Contraception, Laboratory tests, Laser blood irradiation, Laser therapy in physiotherapy, Mesotherapy in trichology, Therapeutic massage prostate, Acne treatment, Treatment of cervical erosion, Surgeries for cervical erosion, Treatment of pigmented skin disorders, Hair treatment procedures, Lymphatic drainage massage (pressotherapy), Magnetic therapy, Manipulations in andrology, Manipulations in urology, Therapeutic massage, Medical massage, Smear flora in women, Operations in andrology, Operations on the vas deferens, Operations on the cervix, Operations on the urethra, Operations for urinary incontinence, Operations for varicocele, Operations for varicose veins, Operations for ingrown nails, Operations in gynecology, Osteopathy, Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Short frenuloplasty (frenulotomy), Facial plastic surgery, Penile plastic surgery, Vaginal plastic surgery, Reflexology (acupuncture), Sclerotherapy, Specialized research, Sports massage, Subinguinal varicocelectomy, Transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate (TAUS), Trichology, Trichoscopy, Penile circumcision , Removal of condylomas on the genital organs, Removal of condylomas in women, Laser removal of formations, Removal of calluses with laser, Removal of formations on the skin, Removal of papillomas with laser, Removal of IUDs, Removal of ingrown nails with laser, Ultrasound studies (ultrasound), Urethroscopy, Urodynamic studies, Uroflowmetry, Urology, Treatment room services, ultrasound of the female genital organs, ultrasound of the endocrine system, ultrasound of the knee joints, ultrasound of the lymphatic system, ultrasound of the lymph nodes, ultrasound of the elbow joints, ultrasound of the bladder, ultrasound of the urinary system, ultrasound of the mammary glands with regional lymph nodes, ultrasound of the male genital organs, Ultrasound of soft tissues and superficial structures, ultrasound in early pregnancy, ultrasound of the adrenal glands, ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, ultrasound of the scrotum, ultrasound of the parathyroid glands, ultrasound of the shoulder joints, ultrasound of the kidneys, ultrasound of the pancreas, ultrasound during pregnancy, Ultrasound of the prostate, Ultrasound of the reproductive system, Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, Ultrasound of the cardiovascular system for children, Ultrasound of the cardiovascular system, Ultrasound of the heart, Ultrasound of the foot joints, Ultrasound of the joints, Ultrasound of the digestive system, Ultrasound for children, Sterilization in andrology, Venereology, Visceral massage, Intramuscular injection, Intravenous injection, Intravenous infusion, Intravenous drip infusion (dropper), Intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI), Restorative medicine, Restoration of virginity (hymenoplasty), Paraphimosis reduction


Россия, Канавинский район, жилой район Мещерское Озеро, Пролетарская улица, 10А
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Nizhny Novgorod

Россия, Канавинский район, жилой район Мещерское Озеро, Пролетарская улица, 10А
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