Haare färben (2) | |
Haare tönen | von 1500 rub |
Färben, um graues Haar zu kaschieren | von 1000 rub |
Haarschnitt und Haarstyling (7) | |
Herrenhaarschnitt | 1500 rub |
Clipper-Haarschnitt | 1000 rub |
Rasieren | von 1500 rub |
Schnurrbart- und Bartschnitt | 800 rub |
Kinderhaarschnitt | 1200 rub |
Haar Styling | 700 rub |
Haarstyling für Männer | 700 rub |
Hair care is one of the commandments of a well-groomed man, and at True CHAPS such rules are respected. We will conduct a complete audit of your beauty at a reasonable price. We have equipped a comfortable waiting area and lightning-fast wi-fi so that sudden work issues do not take you by surprise. A glass of whiskey will allow you to take your mind off business and completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of True CHAPS.
M | Oktyabrskaya | ||||||||||||||
Декабристов, 41 | |||||||||||||||
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