
Fitnesstrainer in Rostov-on-Don

Rating of the best Fitnesstrainer Rostov-on-Don – 4 masters. The profiles contain detailed information about work experience, education, reviews über Fitnesstrainer. See addresses on the map, choose good Fitnesstrainer in Rostov-on-Don for prices, examples of work. Booking online or by phone.
Gefunden 4 masters

bereits bei Barb 41 Monate

Zu Hause
Rostov-on-Don, Leninsky region ,
переулок Семашко, 21/60

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Hello, I do musculoskeletal rehabilitation, fitness, manual therapy!


bereits bei Barb 41 Monate

Zu Hause
Rostov-on-Don, Leninsky region ,
переулок Семашко, 21/60

Auf der Karte anzeigen

Hello, I do musculoskeletal rehabilitation, fitness, manual therapy!


bereits bei Barb 41 Monate

Zu Hause
Rostov-on-Don, Pervomaisky region ,
Киргизская улица, 9/3

Auf der Karte anzeigen

Personal trainer of the Profitness club. Instructor of group programs (strength, step, stretch, pilates, healthy back) I work out of love, therefore with soul. Remote control possible. . . Expand


bereits bei Barb 41 Monate

Zu Hause
Rostov-on-Don ,
проспект Космонавтов, 31Б

Auf der Karte anzeigen

Sports achievements: bronze medalist of the World Youth Football Championship among clubs as part of the FSM 21st Century team (Gran Canaria, 2001), CMS in deadlift. Experience: 2008-2010 City Fitness, Rostov-on-Don, gym instructor 2010-2018, World Class, Rostov-on-Don, gym supervisor. 2018, Crocus Fitness, Moscow. 2019-present vr. A-Fitness, Rostov-on-Don. Courses, seminars: - gym instructor, FPA (Association of Fitness...



Alle masters auf der Karte Rostov-on-Don

1200-12000 RUR

Evaluation 4.9 based on 42 Google-Bewertungen


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