
Лена Н. (Samara) Kosmetikerin, masseur

Leistungen und Preise master Лена Н. (9)

Massage und SPA (1)
Anti-Cellulite-Massage 840 rub
Gesichtskosmetik (3)
Lymphatische Gesichtsmassage 840 rub
Vakuummassage 840 rub
Entfernung von Dehnungsstreifen 5000 rub / 60 min
Körperformung (5)
Pressotherapie 840 rub
Anti-Cellulite-Körperpackung 360 rub
Schokoladen-Körperpackungen 600 rub
Körperpackungen mit Meeresalgen 600 rub
Vakuum-Rollenmassage 840 rub
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Лена Н.

Hi all! I am a specialist in figure correction and facial rejuvenation. For more than 8 years I have been working to ensure that every woman remains young and attractive for as long as possible.

I will help you fulfill desires such as:
• tighten the oval of the face,
• smooth out wrinkles and nasolabial folds,
• restore the normal position of the corners of the lips and eyes,
• restore skin tone, elasticity and firmness,
• make your figure slim and fit,
• get rid of sagging abdomen and buttocks,
• reduce body volume and local fat deposits,
• win the fight against the “orange peel”.

“Locking up” age, stopping its destructive effect on female beauty and attractiveness is now possible!


Im Salon
Samara, Oktyabrsky region, Самарская улица, 267
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M Alabinskaya
Samara, Oktyabrsky р-н, Самарская улица, 267
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+7 (962) 605-...
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